Microsoft, at its online Ignite 2020 conference, has launched a bevy of updates that collectively further adoption of best DevOps practices on the Microsoft cloud platform, including for the first time a preview of an ability to store artifacts created using low-code Power Apps tools on GitHub. In addition, Microsoft announced a preview of an update to Visual Studio […]
Many is aware of the importance of SEO today, and rush to set it up. But it is really an on-going journey and definitely not one that is set-and-forget. More so when Forbes published about Huawei releasing Petal Search as an alternative to Google, covering both core search and app installer. Google SEO itself is complex enough. […]
With the advent of microservices, the functionalities that used to be bundled together in a single web/mule application are now running on different containers across VMs and at times across datacenters. This presents a huge challenge to trace transactions as they traverse across the container/VM boundaries. To address this challenge, companies build a custom distributed tracing […]
Application programming interfaces (APIs) are everywhere. They enable software to communicate with other pieces of software—internal or external—consistently, which is a key ingredient in scalability, not to mention reusability. It’s quite common nowadays for online services to have public-facing APIs. These enable other developers to easily integrate features like social media logins, credit card payments, […]
Good programming language frameworks make it easy to produce quality products faster. Great frameworks even make the whole development experience enjoyable. FastAPI is a new Python web framework that’s powerful and enjoyable to use. The following features make FastAPI worth trying: Speed: FastAPI is one of the fastest Python web frameworks. In fact, its speed […]
The majority of B2B collaboration now happens over APIs. Ergo the data flowing through your API is a good representation of the health of your business. Yet, outside of infrastructure engineering, there’s a lack of tooling around how to leverage that API data. Today, business analytics tools either focus on: Offline transactional data sitting in databases and […]
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a promising technology. AI, alongside Machine Learning (ML), promises to leverage the wide world of data to deliver better security and more complete offerings. Today, we’re going to dive into AI, and define what AI specifically is. We’ll then look at how AI can help improve security in the API space, and […]
There’s a lot to like about microservices: they facilitate scaling, aid in isolating faults, and make it possible to feed an entire development team with just two pizzas. With that said, a greater concern for some is that of security… Are microservices more or less secure than monoliths? What do you need to consider when switching […]
GitLab this week delivered an update to its namesake continuous integration/continuous delivery platform that promises to make pipelines more efficient and easier to manage, in addition to making it easier to set up pipelines in Windows environments. Version 12.7 of the core GitLab platform adds support for Parent-Child Pipelines and Pipeline Resource Groups. Parent-Child Pipelines make […]
Is technical debt ALWAYS bad? It’s a question we’ve touched on a lot in earlier blog posts. Whether you’re a scale-up CTO or tackling legacy issues at an enterprise insurance organisation, managing technical debt is a challenge. One model we often refer to is Martin Fowler’s technical debt quadrant. It takes a simple approach to interrogate the complex matter […]