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Infrastructure & Operator

How to run IT support the DevOps way

Bringing DevOps principles into your IT service and engineering teams is proven to dramatically improve service quality, team morale, problem-solving, and business productivity. In fact, companies that adopt DevOps principles report an average of 45% higher customer satisfaction, 43% higher employee productivity, 41% improvement on defect rates, and 38% less IT-related costs. With stats like those, integrating […]


Successful cloud migration strategy, checklist and process

Legacy software, developed before the advent of cloud services, traditionally store data on dedicated or leased out data centres. It provided complete control over storage solutions.  And with control came enhanced security and better services to the customers.  With the evolution of cloud, organizations started questioning the wisdom of having dedicated or shared data centres. […]

Mobile App

NativeScript 6.0 releases with Dark Theme, AppSync, TabView and much more

NativeScript 6.0 is finally here. It released on 17th July and claims to make the life of NativeScript developers much easier. Let’s dig deeper into NativeScript 6.0 to find out if the claims are true. NativeScript 6.0: An Overview NativeScript is an open-source framework for building cross-platform native mobile applications. The focus of NativeScript 6.0 is to […]

Infrastructure & Operator

What is a service request?

IT teams receive a wide variety of customer requests. Whether incoming inquiries are asking for access to applications, software licenses, password resets, or new hardware, the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) classifies these as service requests.  Service requests are often recurring, so efficient IT teams follow a repeatable procedure to handle them.  Service request management […]