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Websites Development

What Are Web Services? Easy-to-Learn Concepts with Examples

You can’t mention the term “web services” nowadays without immediately evoking references to Amazon Web Services or Google’s Web service, Google Cloud Platform. There’s a reason for that, though. These tech giants have raised the bar by addressing the need for application development. And scale from the likes of Amazon and Google is exactly what makes modern […]

Websites Management

Introducing a Technology Preview of NGINX Support for QUIC and HTTP/3

We are pleased to announce the technology preview of QUIC+HTTP/3 for NGINX at a special open source repository. This is pre‑release software, based on the IETF QUIC draft and is maintained in a development branch, isolated from the stable and mainline branches. The release is the culmination of several months of initial development, and is now ready for […]

Migration & Consultant

Techniques Cloud-Based Companies Can Use to Comply With GDPR

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect in mid-2018. It provides guidelines for the processing of data by organizations. Generally, cloud-based companies face unique challenges relating to data security since GDPR compliance is quite complex in the cloud. If your company uses cloud services such as Dropbox and Salesforce, it’s crucial to ensure that […]