The software development process has changed drastically over the last 10 years. DevOps has taken over the world, and as more Development and IT teams work in harmony, the more these agile companies sing the praises of continuous deployment Continuous deployment is what makes DevOps so special. Instead of releasing application updates every 1-6 months, […]
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you probably already know that microservices is the architecture du jour. Coming of age alongside this trend, Segment adopted this as a best practice early-on, which served us well in some cases, and, as you’ll soon learn, not so well in others. Briefly, microservices is a service-oriented software architecture in which […]
Editor – This seven‑part series of articles is now complete: Introduction to Microservices Building Microservices: Using an API Gateway Building Microservices: Inter‑Process Communication in a Microservices Architecture Service Discovery in a Microservices Architecture (this article) Event‑Driven Data Management for Microservices Choosing a Microservices Deployment Strategy (this article) Refactoring a Monolith into Microservices (this article) You can […]
Have you ever wondered, What is Microservices and how the scaling industries integrate with them while building applications to keep up with their client expectations? To get an idea, you have to understand how a monolithic application is decomposed into small tiny micro applications which are packaged and deployed independently. This blog will clear your understanding of how developers […]
Editor – This seven‑part series of articles is now complete: Introduction to Microservices Building Microservices: Using an API Gateway Building Microservices: Inter‑Process Communication in a Microservices Architecture Service Discovery in a Microservices Architecture Event‑Driven Data Management for Microservices Choosing a Microservices Deployment Strategy Refactoring a Monolith into Microservices (this article) You can also download the complete […]
Studies show that 91% of enterprises are using or have plans to use microservices. The reasons are well documented — monolithic architectures are hard to develop and maintain, while microservices allow for greater agility with smaller, targeted services. However, microservices can’t function alone — they often work together to compose larger applications. As organizations build out more microservices, often […]
There has never been a better time for businesses to outsource software development to an expert third party rather than maintaining in-house provision. Gone are the days when outsourcing was associated solely with cost efficiency and cheap labor. Today it is about partnering to achieve a step change in performance and deliver a better quality […]
With the advent of microservices, the functionalities that used to be bundled together in a single web/mule application are now running on different containers across VMs and at times across datacenters. This presents a huge challenge to trace transactions as they traverse across the container/VM boundaries. To address this challenge, companies build a custom distributed tracing […]
Cloud computing can offer an organization many benefits—it can lower operating costs, support faster innovation, allow employees to access data and applications from anywhere in the world, and help you scale your business. And that’s just for starters. If you’re reading this post, you—along with the majority of businesses, since RightScale reports that 96% of survey […]