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Infrastructure & Operator

Best Practices for Managing Remote IT Teams

With IT teams around the world adjusting to remote working while still struggling to maintain productivity and workflows, ensuring DevOps and Agile practices are in place has never been more important. And while typical DevOps professionals probably have significantly better remote desktop setups than most of their business peers, it’s how IT leaders manage these teams that […]

Infrastructure & Operator

Mainframe and DevOps in Traditional Enterprise, With ASG Technologies

The assumption that large, established enterprises—from insurance companies to government agencies—can’t adopt Agile processes or DevOps is based on the falsehood that legacy technology stacks won’t allow for it; that existing traditional mainframe applications or legacy applications that large enterprises are built on are incapable of adapting to these approaches. Accelerated Strategies Group recently released […]

Infrastructure & Operator

ZeroNorth Extends DevSecOps Orchestration Reach

ZeroNorth has extended its namesake software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform for orchestrating DevSecOps toolchains to include integrations with Scout Suite, Aqua Trivy, Gitlab and BitBucket Server and the configuration management database (CMDB) from ServiceNow. The company is also adding application portfolio reports to surface the security policies applied to each application, scan results and progress of remediation work and […]

Infrastructure & Operator

Mule microservices distributed transaction tracing

With the advent of microservices, the functionalities that used to be bundled together in a single web/mule application are now running on different containers across VMs and at times across datacenters. This presents a huge challenge to trace transactions as they traverse across the container/VM boundaries.    To address this challenge, companies build a custom distributed tracing […]

Infrastructure & Operator

How to Improve API Product Analytics for Business Users

The majority of B2B collaboration now happens over APIs. Ergo the data flowing through your API is a good representation of the health of your business. Yet, outside of infrastructure engineering, there’s a lack of tooling around how to leverage that API data. Today, business analytics tools either focus on: Offline transactional data sitting in databases and […]