Angular 10 — the major release that spans the entire platform, including the framework, Angular Material, and the CLI — is available since June 24. Now, what does this mean? Just like many members of the Angular community, I tried to follow the news and see what Angular 10 brought to us. I read many […]
PHP 8 is expected to be released in December 2020 and will bring us a whole bunch of powerful features and great language improvements. Many RFCs have already been approved and implemented, so it’s time for us to dive into some of the most exciting additions that should make PHP faster and more reliable. PHP […]
Bootstrap is one of the open source that many developers love, including me. So what do we expect of the new changes when Bootstrap 5 is released? In Bootstrap 5: jQuery will be removed. jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, […]
With a poor economy and not many good job prospects in the near future, many people today are looking to create a home business on the Internet. To create a flourishing business, website creation is important. So brush up on what make a great website and get ready to design one. Users can navigate easier […]
Peripheral messages in digital products, collectively known as notifications, should never harm the user experience. Instead, they must contribute to an experience that helps people accomplish a goal. Addressing notification design early in the product design process will produce better results. Imagine a group of architects designing a three-story house, laboring over the blueprints for […]
With the introduction of iOS 14 and macOS Big Sur, we are the witness of the next big thing in UI Design. Changes are not so revolutionary like in iOS 7 years before, but they undoubtedly present the trend UI Designers will follow in the future… …and it won’t be Neuomorphism. ? Flat Design is No Longer […]
Apple announced some pretty wild updates at WWDC 2020 today. But technology aside, let’s focus on how their UI has changed. It went through the first bitmap representations, through Aqua, more modern styles and now all comes together in a completely new, consistent design language. The changes in both the mobile and desktop operating systems signifies which […]
ake advantage of Python dataclasses to make your Python classes less verbose and more powerful at the same time Everything in Python is an object, or so the saying goes. If you want to create your own custom objects, with their own properties and methods, you use Python’s class object to make that happen. But creating classes […]
The more you can plan ahead for your site, the easier it will be to maintain. Times have been tough lately in higher education. We’re all trying to do more work with fewer resources, and if your department is one of many that was affected by the current budget environment, you may have inherited some […]
No work in the pipeline? It’s a dreadful reality freelancers face, even more so as the world endures the COVID-19 pandemic. Freelancing contracts aren’t guaranteed. Often, they come in waves. Feast or famine is an apt description, even if it is a bit discouraging. Still, it’s not as if freelancers are without options. When paying jobs dry […]