Learn how to make money by doing online jobs There are already a lot of opportunities for developers. People with software development talents are becoming more valuable as the world of technology evolves. The internet has provided us with an enormous variety of opportunities, not limited by geography. As the world becomes digital, new opportunities […]
Learn how to build and work with this genius data structure Wait! Does Javascript have a Dictionary type now? Not exactly. At least, not yet. But with its ever-so-flexible Object and ES6 Map types, creating a dictionary-like object for storing data as key-value pairs is only a matter of minutes. This statement may seem a little strange […]
Some of the best chrome extensions for web developers in 2021 As developers, we use our browsers every day for all sorts of things, from googling, finding solutions to our problems on stack overflow to wasting time on Reddit (yes, I’m one of those), but also to test run the applications we are developing. It’s […]
When facing the start of a brand new PHP application, there is one decision that can’t be overlooked: which framework should you use? Theoretically, you could start with none, but assuming the project at hand is anything but trivial, that’d probably be a bad idea. The good news is you’re not exactly short of options […]
Learn how the `this` keyword works in JavaScript If you belong to a programming background, you might have come across “this” keyword, multiple times. Every programming language that exists usually contains the concept of “this”, especially the modern programming languages. But the catch here is, different programming languages have slight changes in the definitions for […]
Intro to building full stack applications with JavaScript and NextJS Even though modern Javascript-based frontend frameworks like React help us develop robust dynamic websites, they have one major downside: the client has to wait until all Javascript code loads to render the page and display content to a user. As a page’s loading speed significantly […]
Stay up to date with the latest trends in freelancing The world has expanded with the rise of the internet. In current times the online world is staying up ahead and serving people. People are taking healthy advantage of the online world these days. Earning from the online world has been more accessible and convenient […]
Learn some great one-liners to use on your next project Javascript syntax and built-in methods allow us to cut down a lot of unnecessary lines in our code and write short, easily readable code. In this post, we are taking this simplicity another step forward to see where you can write one-line solutions to some […]
Node.js has launched its latest major version. Released in April 2021, v16 is the new “current” release. In October 2021, it will be promoted to the Long Term Support (LTS) release with maintenance continuing into 2024. The Node.js release process sees updates from the “current” branch merged into the next major feature release. Consequently, v16 brings several […]
This topic is super trendy in interviews, so you have to know it if you are looking for a job There’s not only one way to solve a problem, but not all of them are the best. Every solution is not capable of efficiently using our resources. Therefore, we need to find the best, most […]