TL; DR: Storage Made Easy (SME) is a cloud service broker platform that unifies in-cloud and on-premises infrastructure to make data management and compliance a breeze. The company’s Enterprise File Fabric keeps businesses secure through a single, easily manageable converged storage system with customizable security, governance, and audit controls. Between an agile and talented remote workforce, and plans to […]
Editor – This seven‑part series of articles is now complete: Introduction to Microservices Building Microservices: Using an API Gateway Building Microservices: Inter‑Process Communication in a Microservices Architecture Service Discovery in a Microservices Architecture Event‑Driven Data Management for Microservices (this article) Choosing a Microservices Deployment Strategy Refactoring a Monolith into Microservices (this article) You can also download […]
The rise of the API economy has enabled organizations to deliver increasingly responsive and customized experiences, helping them meet consumer expectations, cut costs, and improve their overall efficiency. At the same time, the flexibility and speed that makes APIs so valuable has made API management (APIM) more critical than ever to companies that hope to […]
Usually, we’d start a blog post like this one rather light‑heartedly, but the mood of the times is undoubtedly somber, the reasons for that being too numerous to joke about. However, we hope you’re doing well – and again, we have some news to share. For starters, we at the NGINX Unit team believe that the term […]
When designing systems that enable secure authentication and authorization for API access, you must consider how your applications and users should authenticate themselves. In this article, we’ll compare three different ways to achieve this: API Keys, HTTP Basic Authentication, and OAuth. We’ll also highlight what the benefits and drawbacks are for each method. API Keys Using API keys […]
Authorization and authentication are often considered interchangeable. However, these systems do doing vastly different things. Understanding the differences between them is incredibly crucial for adequate security implementation. Authentication = Who are you? Authentication is essentially the practice of proving that you are who you say you are. Trust is hard to come by in any system. […]
While 83% of workers say remote work would make them happier with their jobs, not many people anticipated that the shift would happen as suddenly as it did. With companies around the world quickly transitioning their workforce to working from home, some employees will find it a challenge to make the switch. While designers may have dreamed of working in their […]
We are pleased to announce the technology preview of QUIC+HTTP/3 for NGINX at a special open source repository. This is pre‑release software, based on the IETF QUIC draft and is maintained in a development branch, isolated from the stable and mainline branches. The release is the culmination of several months of initial development, and is now ready for […]
There are many reasons for integrating API lifecycle management into your workflow. For one, waterfall development is on the brink of deprecation. It’s becoming increasingly rare for a project to be developed, released, and left forgotten. It’s also becoming less common for a single team or sole person to work on a production project. Lifecycle API […]
A product backlog is one of the essential parts of the product development chain, a prioritized list of product features that leads from the company’s and product’s vision through execution to a full release. It is a powerful tool, as it converts a high-level vision into the working details of creating a product. A product […]