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Getting Started with HacknLearn-React

So you have started our Hack-n-Learn? Great! In case you are a beginner and are struggling to start the project, this post is for you. To run the project solution, all you need is Node/Npm. NPM is a package manager that comes with node and is required to run projects involving any Front-End/Back-End Framework. It takes care of any downloading and maintaining any external library or framework your project may need.

Installing Node

Follow the instructions given in these videos to install Node/NPM on your computer.

For Windows Users 

For Ubuntu/Linux Users 

For Mac 

Once you have installed Node/NPM on your machine perform a quick check and see if everything worked properly. To ensure it, run following commands in your terminal/command prompt:

node -v
npm -v

If it prints the version of Node and NPM, Everything is good.

Run the project

Now to run the project solution, Download the solution, unzip it and head over to the unzipped folder in your terminal and run the following command to install all the packages needed to run the solution.

npm install

This will install all the required packages.

Now to build the project, run the following command.

npm run dev

This will create a build folder in your directory and you can run the index.html to see your project.

Right Click on your index.html file and open it in a web browser.

Also, the command above will watch for changes you will make to the project. So if you edit anything, it will automatically create the build files again. You can reload the page to watch your changes reflecting in the original design.

This is all you need to know to run the project solution.

If you still encounter any queries/doubts head over to the HacknLearn Forum and ask your doubts there. We and other developers in the Hackr community will love to help you out. Or you can drop us a line at

Have fun, Happy Coding!



oDesk Software

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