We love to come up with acronyms, confusing terms, and strange phrases to describe our work in our industry. For those of us who know what these terms mean, it’s an easy (and quick) way for us to describe what we do, which can take a long time otherwise. But what happens when you are […]
Build voice-activated interfaces using the Chrome Speech Recognition API A few months ago, I wrote an article on web speech recognition using TensorflowJS . Even though it was super interesting to implement, it was super cumbersome for many of you to extend. The reason why was pretty simple, it required a deep learning model to be trained […]
All projects should follow best practices to increase efficiency and quality Node.js is popular among developers as an asynchronous and event-driven language used for backend development. It has a syntax easy enough to understand even for beginners. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned developer using Node, following the best practices of Node.js programming […]