Web development can’t survive without encryption. As web apps continue to gain access to large amounts of sensitive data that belongs to people, organizations, and even governments, the threat to data security is also at an all-time high. Since the early days of programming, programmers used cryptography and encryption techniques to protect such sensitive data […]
Demystifying Threads is Node.js Often, we talk about how Node’s single-threaded nature makes Node applications easily scalable and resource-efficient. But it also makes Node an unsuitable choice for implementing CPU-intensive tasks . But as a workaround to this problem, in its v10.5.0 release, Node introduced the concept of worker threads. Worker threads provide a mechanism to spawn […]
Know the ins and outs of this basic JavaScript array function Javascript reducer is one of the most useful array methods that should be in a developer’s arsenal. Introduced in ES5, it’s somewhat similar to for…each and map methods that are used with arrays but improves on their performance and simplicity in specific situations. reduce […]
Know the ins and outs of this basic JavaScript array function As one of the basic control structures in programming, loops are almost an everyday addition to the code we write. The classic for loop is one of the first code snippets we learn to write as programmers. If you were a Javascript developer, you […]
Learn how to work with date and time on JavaScript In theory, handling dates as a developer is as simple as creating, storing, and, if necessary, manipulating dates. But as a Javascript developer, you would know this theory doesn’t hold long after you start working with dates for real. On top of different date-time formats, […]
Speed-up your NodeJS application by caching into Redis In recent years, Redis has become a common occurrence in a Node.js application stack. Though its most popular use case is caching, Redis has many other use cases where you can take advantage of its blazing-fast in-memory database. In this tutorial, we are going to give you […]
Learn how you can generate a PDF document from any web page using NodeJS, Puppeteer, and Chromium As a web developer, you may have wanted to generate a PDF file of a web page to share with your clients, use it in presentations, or add it as a new feature in your web app. No […]
Intro to FastAPI for Python and why you should consider it for your next API project If you have read some of my previous posts on Python, you know I’m a Flask fan, and it is my goto for building APIs in Python. However, recently I started to hear a lot about a new API framework for […]