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CI/CD Pipeline for Amazon ECS/FARGATE with Terraform

Magento 2 AWS Autoscaling Cluster with Terraform

This Infrastructure is the result of years of experience scaling Magento 1 and 2 in the cloud. It comes with the best cloud development practices baked right in saving your business time and money. Migrating Magento into the AWS cloud — comes with many advantages. You can operate workloads in new ways. When you only […]

Infrastructure & Operator

Securely Streamline Code Signing for DevOps and DevSecOps

Introducing code-signing provides security within the application, but teams should take care to understand and implement the process effectively Digital certificate management, with hundreds or thousands of certificates required to support IT infrastructure, can easily lead to degradation of application integrity and unnecessary risk to the business. The cumbersome nature of siloed teams manually managing […]

Infrastructure & Operator

OpenSSF Makes Free Security Training Available

The Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF), an arm of the Linux Foundation, is providing free security training for developers building and employing open source software starting later this week as part of an overall effort to advance best DevSecOps practices. Linux Foundation CTO Chris Aniszczyk said the Secure Software Development Fundamentals professional certificate program along with additional programs and […]

Infrastructure & Operator

The Differences Between Continuous Integration, Delivery, and Deployment

Modern software engineers usually have a general idea of what Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, and Continuous Deployment refer to in practice. However, the minute differences between these CI/CD processes often get confused. Below, we’ll define the nuances between these concepts, and look at the advantages and disadvantages of such continuous development approaches. CI vs CD vs CD 101 Writers […]