Do you know that businesses typically overspend on the cloud by roughly 35%? Just like there are best practices for using cloud native tools like Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform, Helm Charts, etc., there are techniques to reduce cloud spending on cloud computing resources. But unfortunately, one of the most common mistakes that companies make is not […]
To make it so that anyone with a web browser can code on Replit, our backend infrastructures runs on preemptible VMs. That means the computer running your code can shutdown at any time! We’ve made it really fast for repls to reconnect when that happens. Despite our best efforts, though, people had been seeing repls […]
A short and simple guide of docker, an intro for web developers Knowing how to use containers in application development is a must for a modern-day developer. One reason for the recent demand for containers has been the emergence of Docker. Docker has not only increased the use of containers, it has had a great […]
Today, we will be taking a closer look at how professionals can enlist the help of Pandoc to create a robust and easy-to-implement publication chain. Pandoc is an extremely simple yet powerful tool that allows users to convert documents into various formats, depending on their requirements. It can greatly simplify documentation and publication, or even open up […]
Steps to Enhance Mobile App Security Isn’t it shocking that 93 percent of web applications possess some sort of security flaw or weakness that one can exploit? According to a study conducted by High-Tech Bridge, Switzerland-based web-security firm access to websites that are part of 70 percent of companies on the Financial Times (FT) 500 list is […]