Starting from the most internal part: SizedBox, to hard code a logical dimensions of the area that will be used by a child widget. FittedBox, to scale its child to entirely fit the parent, maintaining its proportions. Container, to set the background color of unused parts of the screen. SizedBox.expand, to scale the background container […]
With no access to the GPU, we’ll have to do this old-school way. I first learned to code on an Atari ST in the late ’80s and early ’90s. Back then, we didn’t have frameworks like OpenGL or Metal; there was no “near-direct access to the graphics processing unit.” So, like our fathers before us, […]
When I started Flutter I was working on a shopping app with Android and iOS native. I start with a course “Learn Flutter & Dart to Build iOS & Android Apps” on Udemy, it’s a great course I watched the first 5 modules and said it’s a very easy language and framework, and start to […]