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Websites Development

Understanding ‘this’ keyword in JavaScript

Learn how the `this` keyword works in JavaScript If you belong to a programming background, you might have come across “this” keyword, multiple times. Every programming language that exists usually contains the concept of “this”, especially the modern programming languages. But the catch here is, different programming languages have slight changes in the definitions for […]

Websites Development

What is NextJS? A Hands-On Introduction to Developing Faster Websites with Next

Intro to building full stack applications with JavaScript and NextJS Even though modern Javascript-based frontend frameworks like React help us develop robust dynamic websites, they have one major downside: the client has to wait until all Javascript code loads to render the page and display content to a user. As a page’s loading speed significantly […]

Website Responsive

How to Use Docker Compose to Handle Multi-Container NodeJS Applications

Bootstrap a NodeJS & MySQL application using Docker Compose Docker has become a tool that developers can’t live without in less than a decade since its release. Docker provides lightweight containers to run services in isolation from other processes in the system. If you haven’t yet been properly introduced to Docker, follow our introduction to Docker guide before […]

Websites Development

How to work with worker threads in NodeJS

Demystifying Threads is Node.js Often, we talk about how Node’s single-threaded nature makes Node applications easily scalable and resource-efficient. But it also makes Node an unsuitable choice for implementing CPU-intensive tasks . But as a workaround to this problem, in its v10.5.0 release, Node introduced the concept of worker threads. Worker threads provide a mechanism to spawn […]