Animate like Flash but in a cool way Under today’s standards, web applications not only need to be fast and look cool, but they also need to give the feeling of being alive, and this latter is quite hard to manage well. With CSS becoming super powerful, new ideas and concepts were introduced, like animations, […]
Know the ins and outs of this basic JavaScript array function Javascript reducer is one of the most useful array methods that should be in a developer’s arsenal. Introduced in ES5, it’s somewhat similar to for…each and map methods that are used with arrays but improves on their performance and simplicity in specific situations. reduce […]
Why to choose Angular for your software projects Note from the editor: If you are a regular reader of my blog you know my heart belongs to ReactJS, it’s what I choose for my projects and is the framework of choice at the company I work for. However, there are reasons to choose other frameworks, […]
Know the ins and outs of this basic JavaScript array function As one of the basic control structures in programming, loops are almost an everyday addition to the code we write. The classic for loop is one of the first code snippets we learn to write as programmers. If you were a Javascript developer, you […]
Learn how to work with date and time on JavaScript In theory, handling dates as a developer is as simple as creating, storing, and, if necessary, manipulating dates. But as a Javascript developer, you would know this theory doesn’t hold long after you start working with dates for real. On top of different date-time formats, […]
Laptop recommendations for developers with all budgets Computers, in particular laptops, are the essential tool for any developer. Sure having a nice keyboard and mouse can boost your productivity and comfort, but we can’t even work without a good computer. There are many different types of developers out there, those who use the terminal for […]
Simple to use CSS snippets that can help you identify layout issues As a front-end developer, I spend much of my time dealing with designs and making sure that the product design looks exactly like the Sketch file, however, this task, as trivial as it sounds, can give me a lot of headaches. But why? […]
A collection with the best VS Code extension for JavaScript developers For some years now, I’ve been using the Jetbrains suite of IDEs like PyCharm pro and WebStorm, and since those are on the expensive side, every time I recommend them, people suggest me to switch to VS Code, as it’s free and awesome. So after some […]
Tools that I use regularly to improve my workflow As a web developer myself I’m always looking for resources to improve my productivity. Over time I collected on my Evernote, a number of different online tools that help me in different ways, either by providing code snippets, design patterns, or simply great functionality. Today I’d […]
A short and simple guide of docker, an intro for web developers Knowing how to use containers in application development is a must for a modern-day developer. One reason for the recent demand for containers has been the emergence of Docker. Docker has not only increased the use of containers, it has had a great […]